PortBlogs > Some Local Film Resource Links

Some Local Film Resource Links

Hello, I just wanted to share a few web links related to film in the Houston Area, I thought some might be into it.

Houston Production Guide
Insteaad of printing...you can now get this online.
The thing is they claim to be saving trees but we all know its about saving money ;)
Still important itso facto guide.

Houston Film Commission
Im a real champion for the Houston film Commision and will occassionally cross post stuff from there (if I may). Every city should be more involved with their film commissions.

THis is a great local magazine that gets published/printed and found through various areas throughoput the city. Don't let the simple site mislead you. They have a great magazine they want you to pick up and read. Their Social media is very active - Check em out.

"C47Houston News & Entertainment Magazine started as a thought and a desire to bring, to our
readers, fans and followers, the people who make up the television and motion picture
industry in the Houston Metroplex area and across the State of Texas"

Links to post issues and features


Not Really Houston but covers SOuthwest and indie produced. Purchase this at your favorite bookstore or even better subscribe.

Know of a cool Local FIlm resource? Please Share!
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