Subject: AUDITIONS AT ETC SEPT 16 & 17 by kimdmy on 2018/9/9 9:23:58 Island ETC Is Seeking Strong Comedic Actors For Upcoming Production Island ETC (East-End Theatre Company) is holding open auditions for all roles in our next production, Christopher Durang’s provocative satire WHY TORTURE IS WRONG, AND THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE THEM. Auditions will be held on Sunday and Monday, September 16th and 17th. Auditions will begin at 7:00pm on both evenings and will be held at ETC, 2317 Mechanic in Galveston. Christopher Durang (Tony-Award Winner) turns political humor upside down with this raucous and thought-provoking satire about America’s growing homeland “insecurity.†WHY TORTURE IS WRONG, AND THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE THEM tells the story of a young woman suddenly in crisis – is her new husband, whom she married when drunk, a terrorist? Or is he simply crazy? Or both? Is her father’s hobby of butterfly collecting really a cover for his involvement in a shadow government? Why does her mother enjoy going to the theatre so much? Does she seek mental escape, or is she insane? Honing in our private terrors both at home and abroad, Durang somehow relieves our fears in this black comedy for an era of all color alerts. Rehearsals for WHY TORTURE IS WRONG, AND THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE THEM will begin on Sunday, October 21st (with a cast meeting and read-through scheduled earlier). Rehearsals are Sundays through Thursdays from 7:30pm to 10:15pm. Performances are November 16 – December 8. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings with one Sunday matinee December 2nd. (*There will be no performance on Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22nd.) All actors at ETC receive a production stipend during strike on Sunday, December 9th. Roles: Felicity, Female (25 to 35) – Really nice woman; educated fast-paced New York type; funny; self-deprecating, clever, stylish; great comic timing and must be able to convincingly ballroom dance with a partner. Zamir, Male (25 to 45) – Charismatic but mysterious man of indeterminate ethnicity (dark-haired, perhaps middle-eastern but could also be Greek or Italian); does NOT have an accent; a mix of sexy and scary; can go from charming to threatening in an instant. Luella, Female (Late 40’s to mid-60’s) – Felicity’s mother, a somewhat befuddled/dazed woman; has an upscale suburban feel but is not snobby or patronizing (not country-club type); forgetful and repetitive, but not annoying. Leonard, Male (Late 40’s to mid 60’s) – Felicity’s father; strong-minded, formidable, willful, 100% certain he is right about everything; deadpan, serious. Hildegard, Female (mid 30’s to late 50’s) – A conservative, old-fashioned woman who admires Leonard greatly, has a crush on him, although she doesn’t think of it that way; great at slapstick comedic moments. Voice/Narrator, Male (20’s to 40’s) – Well-spoken, makes announcements throughout the play; also plays a wacky, hyperactive spy and a suave maitre’d. Should sing well or at least pleasantly. (**Please note the age ranges are not set in stone.) Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Those auditioning should bring a current headshot and resume. For additional information on auditions or the production, please email ETC’s artistic director at More information regarding ETC can be found on our website at |