Local News: Collide to host free theatre workshops

Posted by: treuseinon 2004/6/7 9:38:00 2990 reads "As far as we know, no Houston theatre has ever opened its doors to the theatre community with the intent of encouraging everyone to learn from one another." With its nine weeks of summer Crash Courses, free theatre workshops open to everyone, Collide is now doing exactly that. They are a chance to learn and to teach—the chance to take if theatre as art is your interest. (Oh…and did we mention they are FREE?).....

These workshops are for actors, directors, designers, amateurs, tinkerers, professionals, and aficionados. So many classes for actors focus on “breaking in”—how to get commercials or write the perfect resume. Our workshops focus on how to live better as an artist; through them we’ll get our feet wet in a number of disciplines, and hope to integrate new ideas into our rehearsals, warm-ups, and daily routines. Topics include movement, voice work, script analysis, dance, improv, props and puppetry.

The workshop leaders are established Houston artists: Brian Byrnes (fight director and movement expert), Jim Johnson (voice and dialect coach), Ann James (actor, director, teacher and founder of dAdA Productions), Trish Rigdon (director, designer, and head of the Rice Players), Rebekah French (dancer, choreographer, and founder of Freneticore Dance Company), Jodi Bobrovsky (designer and resident properties master at Stages Repertory Theatre), Yelena Zhelezov and Jenny Campbell (designers, artists, and company members of Bobbindoctrin Puppet Theatre), and Chip Aucoin of Vagabondage Improv Comedy Troupe. The full schedule will be posted soon at www.theatre-collide.com.

The Crash Courses will be held from 2-5 p.m. each Saturday from June 19-August 21. There will be no class on July 3. They will take place at City Dance Studio, 2423 Dunstan in the Rice Village.

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No reservations or registration necessary. And they’re free, so why think twice?